Wednesday (Feb. 5th): Trump’s State of the Union Address

Donald Trump

Name? Donald Trump

Westphalian identity? The United States of America!

Age? 73

Why is he in the news? Honestly, when is he not…but the past 24 hours have been of special importance to the president as he delivered the annual State of the Union address in the very room in which he has (now) been acquitted of the impeachment charges brought against him.

Why do we care? Well, we have an American at the Westphalian who is particularly impacted by the statements in both the President’s speech and the Democrat’s response.

Why should you care? Due to geopolitics, the American President’s account to Congress reflects and projects those events, situations, and individuals most important in international affairs today.

Who else cares? Every diplomat and national leader around the world, for starters. For example, Trump’s continued promise to build a wall on the US’ southern border impacts those living on both sides.

Any further comments? Well…Guaido was in Trump’s guest box, Pelosi tore up Trump’s speech and a soldier surprised his family…it was basically a reality show. Also, Trump was acquitted of all impeachment charges as Republicans (bar Mitt Romney) chose party loyalty over upholding democratic principles instilled in the Constitution. We live in confusing times. Especially if you’re a US citizen observing the circus from across the Atlantic.