Friday (June 25th): Johnson’s Summer Vacation in the Black Sea

Boris Johnson

Name? Boris Johnson

Westphalian identity? Very British indeed

Age? 57

Why is he in the news? A British Navy ship sailed through waters which Russia claims as their own since their annexation of Crimea in 2014, causing an incident where boths sides presented different facts. Russia claims that they chased the ship out of its waters with gunfire and jets. Johnson’s ministers, however, claim that this is Russian fake news and that they had left on their own. 

Why do we care? The struggle for prerogative of interpretation represents a reawakened Johnson who is enjoying his foreign policy without any constraints from the EU. After Biden revived US foreign policy in the past few weeks, Johnson is attempting the same for the UK by making a point of not accepting Russia’s annexation of Crimea. 

Why should you care? To be honest, you do not have to care much. This only comes one week before Sea Breeze, a NATO exercise in the Black Sea. Making it a standard foreign policy standoff between two hotheads (Johnson and Putin) a few days ahead of a naval exercise in disputed waters. Nothing we have not seen with North Korea or Taiwan before. Therefore, you should care 2/10. 

Who else cares? Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov. He stated that the next time a British ship disrespects international law, Russia “may drop bombs and not just in the path but right on target…” A clear show of strength from a nation which is especially sensitive over its backyard in the Black Sea. 

Any further comments? The struggle for prerogative of interpretation was essentially ended by BBC Correspondent Jonathan Beale who was on board the British ship. He produced a dramatic piece describing what happened by starting with “I am on board the warship in the Black Sea;” to which the Guardian only responded by putting everything into perspective, calling Russian actions “quite routine.”

Joshua Dario Hasenstab

General Coordinator