Sunday (April 19th): She’ll be back

Nikki Haley

Name? Nikki Haley

Westphalian identity? United States of American

Age? 48

Why is she in the news? Nikki Haley, Trump’s former ambassador to the UN, has been dismissing rumours via Twitter about her potentially taking Mike Pence’s spot as Trump’s VP. Interestingly, there was very little wind of this until she started talking about it. Now, it’s become major speculation.

Why do we care? Nikki Haley, in contrast with Trump’s administration, has a very clear and defined vision for American foreign policy. She condemned Russia and their presence in the Middle East while Trump allowed it; she balanced criticism of both Israeli and Palestinian officials when Trump was biased towards Israel; she’s managed to correct Trump while staying on his good side. Her diplomatic chops are pretty impressive. 

Why should you care? While US foreign policy seems unsure of itself, Nikki Haley appears to be an ambitious politician with plans to move an aggressive foreign policy agenda. With rumours of her seeking the vice presidency for the 2020 election, US foreign policy could be reshaped by a more aggressive and defined approach should Trump be reelected. 

Who else cares? Mike Pence isn’t too thrilled anytime Nikki Haley opens her mouth. As the US COVID tsar, Pence could potentially be removed from office depending on who ends up taking the blame for the US’s mishandling of the pandemic. Democrats are also biting their nails, scared Trump might steal Biden’s thunder since he pledged to choose a female running mate. 

Any further comments? Trump has had little consistency with his foreign policy (or with any policies). He mainly focuses on China (pronounced g-ina), Putin, and benefit his businesses. Haley could provide even the slightest bit of consistency to an administration known for lacking in it, making her someone look out for in the coming months.